Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wolves on Man Hunt

On and off as a lonely gay wolf cub I have ventured down the path where other wolves hunt for men. This can be a very lonely path. I talk to other men along the way, some friendly, some not, mostly the men are really wolves in disguise. Having never really learned to socialize, I sometimes let my guard down and then of course I get eaten alive.

This particular story I want to tell started almost a month ago. I was hanging out minding my own business when along comes this very good looking man who starts complementing me, telling me what a cute wolf I am. I like it when he tells me that other men don't find him attractive, they don't hit on him, of course I took the bait, and being lonely I quickly let him into my den. Well I have a great time with him, he has a great body, he enjoys himself, I have a fantastic time and he constantly tells me that we are going to see each other again soon. We fall asleep together. Not only did I take the bait, but I let the trap snap around me. I was his. The next day he sends me a message saying he will hunt for some food and bring it the following night so we can cuddle and have more fun. The next night comes and he does not show up, nor does he call. I feel bad. Ok so I give him slack, we do meet again, have an excellent time playing, he stays the night but after he leaves all he does is make promises and never comes back to my den. I am devastated. I have real feelings for him. I am just a lonely cub who shares his heart and den only to be eaten alive by this evil man disguised as a wolf. I am sick with dis-pare, spending way too much time curled up in my den alone. I hope I have learned my lessen about going down these well worn paths, but have I really? Today I have found myself hanging around on the same path again.

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